Back In Order

Hey everyone, its been a while since the last blog post, primarily due to some configuration issues with a little complacency thrown in… Hopefully this post will now simultaneously make its way to this Blog, Facebook and Twitter like it used to. Here is a photo from a recent trip to Palm Cove, North Queensland. […]

Revamped Wanted Images Website

The guys at “The Turning Gate” have released their latest LightRoom website interface templates, CE3, and I have updated the Wanted Images website accordingly. There are a swag of improvements behind the scenes but the most noticeable at the front end is the mobile device scalability which allows for consistent resizing of pages to suit […]

Dreaming of Drier Days

Time to add a little sunshine here in Queensland, it seems like forever since the skies have been blue and the air dry. More sunset photos at Wanted Images Photography in the Scapes Galleries. Cheers Gary

Local Frog

Haven’t picked the camera up in a couple of days after putting my back out 🙁 Managed to sit down in front of this guy for a couple of quick pics, more frogs on my Amphibians and Reptiles Gallery. Cheers Gary

Photo Edit from Africa

I constantly go back and review some of the 10,000 photos I took while in Africa to see if there are some images I have missed that may be worth editing. This one must have slipped through the cracks as it hasn’t come up too bad. This is one of the several leopards we encountered […]

Another Local Frog

The frogs are just loving this rain, here is another from the front yard. This one is an Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog hiding in the Sago Palm (Cycad), I’ve posted him in my Amphibians and Reptiles Gallery. Cheers Gary

Rain Lover

With all this rain about the frogs are having a great time. I have just added a Dainty Tree Frog (or Graceful Tree Frog) to the Wanted Images Amphibian and Reptile Gallery. These guys grow to about 4-5cm and just love to get about on those wet rainy nights. Cheers Gary