A few tweaks to the Wanted Images website, making it more mobile and user friendly, hope you like the new design. Cheers Gary
Website Redesign

A few tweaks to the Wanted Images website, making it more mobile and user friendly, hope you like the new design. Cheers Gary
The male Superb Fairy Wren snapped up some tea just as I started getting him in frame. Cheers Gary More images in the bird gallery
Bizarre lighting with the storm west of Brisbane this afternoon, clear skies to the west and storm with a little lightning overhead. We seemed to miss most of the action. More in the Scapes Gallery Cheers Gary
A big thank you to all the Wanted Images’ friends and clients for your support and friendship throughout the year. Wishing you all the very best for Christmas and the New Year. Looking forward to seeing you all in 2014. Cheers Gary
A Pandanas tree on Moreton Island makes a great silhouette as the sun sets over Brisbane on the mainland. More images in the Scapes Galleries. Cheers Gary
Here is an edit from this year’s History Alive held at Fort Lytton, Brisbane. Cheers Gary
Storey Bridge Brisbane makes a great subject at night. More landscapes in the Scapes Galleries Cheers Gary