A few tweaks to the Wanted Images website, making it more mobile and user friendly, hope you like the new design. Cheers Gary
Website Redesign

A few tweaks to the Wanted Images website, making it more mobile and user friendly, hope you like the new design. Cheers Gary
The Superb Fairywrens are nesting beside the pool so I set up camera and took a few shots. www.wantedimages.com.au Cheers Gary
The male Superb Fairy Wren snapped up some tea just as I started getting him in frame. Cheers Gary More images in the bird gallery
Stoked with a Bronze in this year’s International Loupe awards. Only put the one entry in and was hoping for better but a Bronze is good. One of the judges actually awarded me a 94 out of a possible 100, just one shy of the top award (Platinum) the average across the fiveĀ judges brought […]
A beautiful example of a Lewins Honey Eater taken at O’Reilly’s in the Lamington National Park, Queensland, Australia. More photos in the Bird Gallery Cheers Gary
A trip to Lamington National Park never disappoints with a great rain forest atmosphere and native wildlife. This Eastern Yellow Eastern Robin was happy enough to sit still long enough for a quick photo. More Wildlife photos in the Wildlife Galleries at Wanted Images Cheers Gary
Back to nature for today’s photo, a male and female pair of Sulphur Crested Cockatoos grooming each other at Hamilton Island, Queensland, Australia. More bird photos to be found at the Wanted Images Bird Gallery. Cheers Gary
Another from the tropical north Queensland. Cheers Gary
Glad to see the back end of this week… Rough week with the passing of a good friend and fellow photographer, looking forward to a brighter rest of the year. Cheers Gary